D&AD brief for Ted Baker
I began this project by researching into Ted Baker the brand and where they are looking to expand to.
I had an idea that instead of being constrained to one country, focus the campaign on expanding the brand globally. Ultimately the launch of this campaign is designed for Florida in America, Ive used themes of summer, sun and fun throughout the campaign to appeal to coastal cities in the US. I chose Florida as well because it is also home to the NASA space centre which is where the 'leap' quote inspiration came from.
The theme i came up with is a play on the quote 'one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.' Ted Baker is taking the leap of global domination within the fashion industry. I had the idea of posters that showed models leaping/floating in the air against bright backgrounds, maybe even include props such as animals, tea cups, umbrellas (very British things).
Alternative versions of posters I've created
for the campaign One Giant Leap for Ted Baker.
A look at what the poster for individual countries
(such as Florida) would look like. The country and date could be
changed to create a wider campaigned, maybe a series.
The idea for the campaign is One Giant Leap, the leap represents the expansion of Ted Baker globally.
It's also a reference to the quote "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
The campaign is about getting Ted Bakers customers involved in the leap and gaining a wider following for the brand and the spreading the fun nature that Ted Baker is all about.
As part of the campaign to gain a wider following and spread the fun British Ted Baker attitude, Instagram users can upload pictures of themselves and their personal leaps onto instagram by hashtagging
#onegiantleap and images will feature on the Ted Baker blog, instagram and website.
The posters feature models leaping in the air, i kept the design minimal and clean to create a brightness which connotes summer. The clothing worn by models also carry on the theme of fun and colour pop, this makes the images stand out more and jump out of the page.
Here are original images and outtakes from photographs for the posters.
For the posters i cut out the models and turned up the brightness and constast to mkake them
look 3d and create the effect of them jumping out of the page.
i played around with poses and different ways to jump
in order to add an element of fun to the posters.
Once i'd taken images for the poster campaigns, i began editing them by increasing the brightness and contrast in order to make them stand out and pop of the page. I used the Ted Baker logo and incorporated it into the slogan at the bottom, i wanted the posters to be bright and clean looking to connote summertime.
Alternatively the clothing and colours within the posters can be changed to suit a specific country in which the posters are being campaigned in.
A view of what the Ted Baker website might look like for the campaign
including a countdown to the launch of the brand expansian.
An idea of what the Instagram capaign might look like.
Billboard impositions
Magazine campaign view shots
Initially I had a few concepts for this brief but decided to
go with this idea which I think answers the brief requirements more appropriately.
I think my outcomes were successful and I enjoyed creating them, in particular
the photography based work. if I could redo or change the project or any of my
outcomes I would have taken more photographs and created a wider range of posters
for example with children. I wouldn't particularly change anything about my
outcomes I would only add more to them, for example create a full app and
website for the campaign rather than just a look. overall I am happy with the
way this brief worked out and am pleased with my work.
Research and development

The Ted Baker New York store
I noticed whilst researching into ted baker shops that they like to
keep a British opulence theme, they keep their layouts clean and simple.

Ted Baker's previous campaigns are successful because they embrace new
technology and culture. They now have Instagram campaigns and do a lot of
advertising through mobile technology and the web.
Research and development
The Ted Baker New York store
I noticed whilst researching into ted baker shops that they like to
keep a British opulence theme, they keep their layouts clean and simple.
Ted Baker's previous campaigns are successful because they embrace new
technology and culture. They now have Instagram campaigns and do a lot of
advertising through mobile technology and the web.
I noticed whilst researching into Ted Baker's campaigns that they use a lot of
animals. They do this to connote their British/Scottish routes, maybe in my project I will break away from this? Although I like the idea of involving animals, I think that for other countries the theme is narrow and they may not understand the meaning behind it.
A previous campaign by Ted Baker, note the image is really dark, quite moody.
I think for my summer Ted Baker campaign I'm going to completely go in the opposite direction and make it bright and minimal. I think as a brand they need to break away from these themes and give it a lease of life.
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