The sub task was to record the next 2 hours. I chose to focus on my thoughts for the duration and wrote down every thought I had over the time period.
To present this idea as a piece, I thought to fill an empty blank room with the writing all over the walls, this way whoever enters the room would be entering my thoughts and the two hours. I then produced a Photoshop interpretation of what it may look like.

mint tastes nice scrape of pen annoying keyboard Halloween dressing up excited pen smells rings turned finger green scoff Chris keeps talking about shit why are strawberries red? sweet mike confession have whoa bus have yesterday so funny cant backwards 20 3 scratch head must stop so full food chair dark outside Chris so red bright red chair tomato vine tomatoes lovely wish had my camera snow In America east coast wind here trees windy wearing a skirt walking to Chris dreams mum pen stinks strong tired head on desk tonight good touch scratch book scrape of pen stop it annoying itchy nose dreams flash of camera bright strobe light at party crazy food mums stew red lipstick red chipped need re painting swallow hard frowning scrape of pen indoors for Lucy house bruse molly scratch head tonight tired drink excited student catch bus expensive Chris young funny dad royal family oh aye corp sticky floor elbow bang table hair on arm blink stop tapping pen heart bun milk tea this morning sugar cold outside cold feet art senara illusion 3d test gcse's murder mystery polo hard shoes grey hair fir chair creak stood movement itchy leg freckles dot to dot burn aeroplane holiday go skiing pen stinks snow hope show angle Grinch hurt teeth mint streets trees buss fish and chips time counting pen black ridges rubber ring bargain polo mint spit name why hair old feet cold Richard films stronger quiz fail funny quit flash corp costume itchy knee sneeze spit everywhere vibrate phone itchy eye burp garlic nice meal chicken and honey scarf again fail laugh dinner nice aliens sky abduct knowing film people morning achy leg loud noise running out of paper bum chair imposable nothing share leg hairy legs phone croaky voice black room idiot abroad buried alive absent pen stupid Darren brown shoot Chris hands sheep tired Poland water hairy arms scarf comfy soft bed cold scratch head beard polo crunch melt doodle evolution illuminate beyonce pregnant polo burns breath eyes nails long slur door wide film debate censoring antichrist film auchvitze group rape Poland Hitler alcohol tonight lick lips dry wind cold dark outside watch 9.99 fire exit bright Australia Lindsey yawn eyes nice fluffy cardigan hair soft pen smells makeup eyelashes funny boots store shoe yawn nose dad songs singing guitar shower steam spider scared cat hair weave jumper itch leg paper elbow bony monkey bars music presentation bush windy bus home town eyelashes skirt shorts big 70 wow lip play hair masons job money clothes Christmas pen headache loud limitless pill drugs funny alarm molly clock kitchen tea yawn Chris beard magic trick eyes watering nose big water bullying mason school mum love big brother London knees crack breath watch reflection smell eye liner smidge orange top wheel invention Benjamin button baby Zara cheeks red jumper video funny bed lazy cat funny time left Steve suit new York rooms street music breathing loud and annoyingly tonight excited tea town cold hair glasses still breathing long for silence yoga dance married bony hands laptop fall flinch France Vogue spotty case quiz fun apple gallery tardis vagina night party writing pasta flush pub drink water spit busy road cold dark umbrella toilet fate friends wall brick new York lights snow upside down song sing freckle dot to dot maths burp garlic conspiracy cottage money dollar bill art Scott Campbell balloon monkey dog shoes on funny cigarette nose itch chocolate text town breathing annoying stop angry tap scratch pen paint nails art renaissance erotic nose stop breathing football Mac camera tap cold hands burp phone ring time near end napalm palm oil trees forest bare grills will Farrell shake and bake cake lemon phone Chinese eyes ying yang David Cameron punctuation red hands lack of blood cold o2 academy mason BHS Tracy emin woods gypsy Chris bored glasses pen smells thin pens cold mouth sit piss art illusion draw no type mike Santa Christmas book mum dad gig Leon music dark corp tonight sweat dubstep phone mason me night funny rain umbrella windy black banksy wall weirs walk magazine coconut water sweet soya smell laptop fingerprint scratch back bed pillow comfy time bus